Slip and Fall

Slip and fall injuries occur when a person is injured due to a defective condition existing on a property.  

Slip and Fall Accidents/Premises Liability

Dangerous conditions such as torn carpeting, changes in flooring, poor lighting, narrow stairs, or an unreasonably slippery floor can cause someone to be injured.

Other instances of slip and fall incidents can occur when people trip on broken or cracked public sidewalks or faulty stairs or escalators. In order to recover however, it must be shown that an unreasonably dangerous condition was the cause of the injury and that in the exercise of due care and caution, the property owner knew or should have known that the condition was unreasonably dangerous.

Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common injuries in today’s justice systems. Dealing with them is often problematic: some of the specific aspects of a slip and fall accident case can be difficult to resolve. Often, a heavy burden of proof is placed on the plaintiff.

Slip and Fall or Premises Liability Cases | Contact Damon La Porte for a Free Phone Consultation

Call me at (708) 848-2000 for a free phone consultation . I can answer your questions and help you understand whether to pursue a lawsuit. If you do not recover compensation, you will not owe a fee.